Fizioterapija pacijenata se često izvodi pomoću terapeutskog lasera. To uključuje laserske zrake manje jačine sa talasnom dužinom koje mogu padati u vidljivo ili interferencijsko polje elektromagnetnog spektra. Fiziološki efekti koji se pripisuju laserskoj terapiji su ublažavanje bolova, bolje zarastanje rana i smanjenje broja mikroorganizama.
How to get a health treatment?
You are advised to discuss treatment and rehabilitation with your personal physician. He or she can refer you to Terme Čatež based on your health insurance, by doctor referral form or work order.
You can apply for treatment on a self-pay basis; in that case arrange an appointment with a doctor with the reception of the Health Centre. We recommend you bring the latest medical test results with you.
You can apply for treatment on a self-pay basis; in that case arrange an appointment with a doctor with the reception of the Health Centre. We recommend you bring the latest medical test results with you.
More information
Health Centre Terme Čatež d.d., Hotel Čatež.
T: +386 7 62 07 865
Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 15.00